OJT (On the Job Training) / Work Based Learning Experience (WBLE)
On-the-Job Training / Work Based Learning Experience is an opportunity for you, the employer, to mentor a person with a disability. By participating in OJT/WBLE, you have the opportunity to see if the job and your business are a good fit with the trainee.
OJT/WBLE is a training method where experienced employees take new employees under their wing, instructing and coaching them on how to perform their job, giving them the benefit of years of experience.
On the Job Training / Work Based Learning Experience is provided to a paid participant while he or she is engaged in productive work in a job which:
- Increases knowledge or skills essential to the necessary performance of the job;
- Is identified as an appropriate service in the individual’s employment plan;
- Is limited in duration as appropriate to the occupation for which the participant is being trained, accounting for the content of the training, the prior work experience of the participant, and the service strategy of the participant, as appropriate.