Next Steps Employment Services Offers…

Youth Work Readiness Training

Twenty (20) hours of a formal, interactive and structured face‐to‐face/virtual training for youth, that consists of both lecture and hands‐on activities. Training must be completed prior to job placement and must include the following topics: · resume writing · instruction on interviewing skills · searching for and applying for jobs online · finding and completing job applications · managing Employer initial contacts · handling conflicts · navigating public transportation · a review of Customer employment benefits, if needed

Pre-Placement Training

Our Pre-Placement Training (PPT) is a formal, structured and interactive training that MUST be completed prior to Job Placement. This training is designed to impart our participants with the knowledge and skills that they’ll need to thrive and, ultimately, achieve independence in the workplace.

Self-Advocacy Training

Self-Advocacy Training is a service designed to prepare individuals on how to better communicate their strengths, abilities, interest, and needs when interviewing with potential employers or applying to trade schools, colleges, or universities. Students who participate in this service learn how to represent themselves and make decisions that affect their lives and increase their confidence, self-esteem, and independence.

Work Based Learning Experience (OJT/WBLE)

Work Based Learning Experience is a training that uses the workplace or real work to provide Students with the knowledge and skills that will help them connect school experiences to real‐life work activities and future career opportunities. It is essential that direct employer or community involvement be a component of the WBLE to ensure in‐depth student engagement. These opportunities are meant to engage, motivate and augment the learning process. In addition, the WBLE requires in‐depth engagement of youth and an evaluation of acquired work relevant skills.

On-the-Job Training (OJT/WBLE)

OJT/WBLE is a training method where experienced employees take new employees under their wing, instructing and coaching them on how to perform their job, giving them the benefit of years of experience.


Employment services are designed to assist the participant in securing and maintaining integrated, competitive employment. Our Employment Specialists will be responsible for working closely with participants and learning their work histories, interests, and abilities, then use this information to match participants with jobs within the community.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment Services are designed for participants with the most significant disabilities. This program’s goal is to assist the participant in securing and maintaining integrated, competitive employment. As a benefit of working with Next Steps Employment Services, we offer three weeks of job coaching to help these individuals further succeed and achieve independence in the workplace.

VR Career Camps

Our VR Career Camps are weeklong learning experiences featuring 30 hours of hands-on learning. We’ll be focusing on employability skills, soft skills, and independent living skills to hone our students’ talents and make sure that they’re adequately prepared for whatever obstacles lie ahead.

Partnered Chambers

Who We Are

Our passion, goals, and beliefs are driven by a desire to fully integrate people with disabilities into work experiences that ultimately lead to careers in the community through our offering of quality, speciality services. This is why we wake up in the morning, and this is why we can’t wait to help you today.

About Next Steps

Our goal is to help our job seekers build the skills, confidence, and characteristics of a successful employee.

We utilize our relationships with local organizations and businesses to produce opportunities and individualize the employment needs for our participants.

We are committed to providing the best quality of service making sure that we address the participant’s needs in the most effective way.

Working together to make a difference!

Integration At The Workplace Is Our Goal!

What We Have To Offer With OJT

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